Bid Support Services

We apply our 25 years of experience to help your organisation build best-practice responses in line with latest regulation and shifting client expectations to support you to prepare winning bids and transform your business.
Winning business through publicly procured tenders is challenging for businesses of all sizes across all industries.
We have extensive experience of winning, retaining and managing multi-million-euro services contracts for public sector and semi-state organisations. During Alan’s time with AA Ireland and with APCOA, Europe’s largest parking operator, he secured contracts worth over €30 million.
Our network in the public sector community includes most of the country’s largest local authorities, and semi-state bodies such as the National Transport Authority, Road Safety Authority, Irish Rail and Dublin Airport Authority (daa).
What We Do

Bid Basics
- Registration: we will build your eTenders or eTendersNI online profile, ensure you are receiving the right Request For Tender (RFT) updates, and build your profile correctly so that public sector buyers will see your company at its best.
- Pre-Qualification Checklist: we will provide your team with a framework to review RFTs and assess their suitability and viability for your organisation.
- Training: we will provide you and your team with the necessary knowledge and skills to identify opportunities, prepare compelling service proposals, and submit competitive bids.
- Tender Template: we will provide you with a high-quality pre-formatted template to ensure your tender response is comprehensive, accurate, and professionally presented.

Bid Support
- Tender Review: we will review your recent Tenders and provide detailed insights that will improve the quality and content of your responses.
- Tender Writing: our team will craft a best-practice Tender response that will convincingly communicate your organisation’s experience, abilities and approach to public sector buyers.
- Tender Management: we will act as your Bid Manager for complex proposals, working with your extended team. We will provide coordinated project management and strategic insights to ensure your Tender is realistic yet competitive, incorporating all necessary inputs from across the organisation.

Bid Strategy
- Strategy Development: we will work with your Executive and Senior Management teams to develop your current capabilities, and implement an organisational strategy that is capable of consistently winning Public Sector contracts for your business.
- Pipeline Development: we will support you to empower your Sales team to develop, manage and mould a consistent pipeline of public sector opportunities.
- Ongoing Support: we will help you to assess, craft and manage any suitable public sector opportunities which arise.

Support for Public Bodies
- RFT Advisory Service: we will support your team in drafting PQQ and RFT documents to ensure your requirements are fully set out and clearly understood. This will ensure you get the best possible fit for your requirements, cut down on time needed for clarifications during Q&A, and create a platform to efficiently manage the contract moving forward.
- Tender Evaluation: we will assist your team in assessing and evaluating tender proposals, to ensure compliance with procurement protocols, and help you to identify the best proposal to meet your needs.
- Tender Feedback: constructive feedback to potential suppliers will support those businesses in future proposals, which will result in better outcomes for your organisation and a greater range of high-quality proposals in the future. We can support your team in navigating through the feedback process.